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Sukhdeep Singh
With nearly a decade of experience in crafting real-time web applications that have served millions of users, I've had the privilege of working with high-profile clients on cutting-edge projects. Explore my portfolio to witness the culmination of this journey in digital innovation.
BonusApp PWA: Elevating Ecommerce Experiences
This Progressive Web Application is engineered to take your online shopping to the next level. It had a focus on blazing-fast performance, server-side rendering for swift page loads, customized app screens based on user behavior, and resource caching through service workers.
Bamboozle: Multiple Quiz Game
Bamboozle, built with Next.js for both frontend and backend, along with Flutter for the mobile app, and Firebase for real-time functionality, is a captivating multiplayer quiz game. Challenge your friends with tricky questions and craft witty, deceptive answers in this real-time gaming experience.
Coffee Watch: Your Streaming Guide
Coffee Watch is a user-friendly web application that simplifies your entertainment choices by helping you discover where a specific TV show or movie can be streamed. It's developed using Next.js and deployed on Vercel (Github CI/CD integration).
Contact Me

Whether you have a project in mind, a query to be answered, or simply wish to connect, please don't hesitate to reach out.